I am hiring!
This idea came up some time ago. I was looking for solutions how to get to know companies and build a bridge with them.
Here, it is my room to host you if you are pleased to share information about your business and love to run a discussion about empowering it.
Thanks to you I might be a part of something important and wonderful. I am here to call out how useful and needful your products are.
For over 15 years I have been in touch with many businesses and enterprises observing how their hard efforts have changed into successful path. Development is a complex process, sometimes takes years, but if it is your dream it is a must of keep going.

It is all about quality not quantity. In the era where ChatBots on websites take place of humans I am old-fashioned. I am not against it, on the contrary, I do appreciate work of programmers and developers who improve the tools. I would like to underline that sometimes we forget to speak to our customers in person, sometimes a warm word or hand shake to say thank you is the key.

One step backwards to make two forwards it is not a bad thing. Each of us has the right to work in his/her own tempo. If there is a smallest doubt or feeling to change something – go for what your hear says. Do not thing that it will not return, it will, but then you will have to spend more time and efforts to redo it. There are no shortcuts. What needs to be done – must be done.
I treat people very individually and have the same thought not only about their companies but also what they do. I am the person who like “views” WHY? Because if somebody asks, it means, for some reasons he or she needs a help to improve.
If there is any question mark in your head and you would like to find answers or change it into action –
I am here.